Palkin Designer And Management Android Application

Vaghela Lagdhir
6 min readJul 10, 2020


I have done a summer internship to gain some more technical knowledge by doing some industry-level project. Luckily I got Accepted as a Summer intern in Navpad Infotech, Vadodara. It was an online internship for one month.

As an internship work, I was Assigned to make Android Application for Palkin Designer who is leading the Chaniya-choli Designer in Vadodara.

Android is an open-source and Linux-based Operating System for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. Android was developed by the Open Handset Alliance, led by Google, and other companies.

Android offers a unified approach to application development for mobile devices which means developers need only develop for Android, and their applications should be able to run on different devices powered by Android.

Let’s see my Project work…

So I and my teammates have made 2 Apps one for the Upload and another for users or buyers.

Let’s start with Upload app

Add categories(name of clothes like a suit, blazer, shirts, etc), Upload Name, Price, image and description of the product category wise, view all updated data, delete data, and delete the whole category.

So those all are functionalities provided by the Upload app.

Now let’s talk about the technical details of the app.

So let’s start…

Explanation of Activities with its Functionality

category page
  • When the user will open the app he/she will see the screen like this and wait for some seconds to load data from firebase.
  • This is the category page from where we get information that these are the categories in the database. we add or delete the category.
  • Here we can fetch the data from the database and store that information on the view.
  • Here recycler view is there using that user can add as many items as he/she likes and all that will be shown over here.

In the below screenshot we can see the delete option is there.we can use that option to delete the items.

Category page with delete functionality
  • Here is the screenshot of the category page with the delete option.
  • In Recycler view, the new category “XYZ “ is shown now on pressing long on that item the menu box will pop up, and the delete option will be seen, and by selecting the delete option that particular category will be deleted.
  • when someone delete the category it is permanently. deleted.
Upload activity
  • Using this screen user can upload the data firebase database for the customer to view.
  • It is the main part of the whole Android Application.
  • Here when the user will add all the data and press the upload button then the data will be uploaded and the Toast message will be shown as “Uploaded Successfully”.
  • Now when the user click on any category page then this upload page will be open with reference to that category selected and later on the data will be uploaded in that category.
  • when users click on the “Add Category” Text view then the user will be redirected to the category page.

The below screenshot is about the firebase database. In that, we can see how data stored in a firebase realtime database.

Here flipy1 is the name of the database and other are the children of it. There are child nodes with each unique key which are used for uniquely identifying data. here name, price, and description are stored as a string but image requires storage which is provided by the firebase storage and its the link given in images URL’s value field.

The below screenshot is of firebase storage…

Firebase storage

Here each folder containing images and image storage access token will be stored in the firebase we can fetch from there with the app and image is retrieved

  • Here all are images are with its name and price.
  • There are also details of the products so the user can read it.
  • Basically we fetch data from the firebase realtime database with reference to the category previously selected.
  • That is a menu-bar showing two items in it Image Details and Delete which will be visible if user long press on that any image.
  • if the user wants to delete items then user can delete from here.
  • Here also we have used Recycler view to make it dynamic
  • Here if the user select image details it will redirect to product details.

Palkin Designer’s App(Main App)

Now we have seen how data is inserted into the firebase realtime database using the upload app. Now we see our main palkin designer’s app…

The list of the functionality provided by this App

  1. Register and Login using email-id and password
  2. Shows available category
  3. Home page
  4. Logout and remove account

Here is some more information regarding each activity and Fragments.

When the user opens the app the screen is shown like the below screenshot…

After a couple of seconds, the new screen will be shown which will be Register(Sign up screen) as shown below.

  • Here users can make an account using email-id and password and press register button an account will be created.
  • This account is created to view the data and it is limited to this app only.
  • Once the account is created the user will automatically reach the category page.
  • if the user has already registered then he/she can click on “ALREADY REGISTERED LOGIN ME” it is shown a new page like below
  • In this using email id and password, users can login into this application.
  • if user-entered data is valid it will be navigated to category activity.
  • Here we can only see the content which is available.
  • All the categories which are uploaded by the merchant will be shown here.

Also, there are more features like…

Those all are features of the App.

Here also given the address and contact information of the Palkin…

Now one final field is about Developer…

I hope You Like my Project and Blog Too!

Thanks for reading my Blog!



Vaghela Lagdhir
Vaghela Lagdhir

Written by Vaghela Lagdhir

#figmadesigner #xddesign #uiuxdesign #androiduiux

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